Keller Williams Realty Gold - The Sand Dollar Home Team
Listing Courtesy Of: KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY GOLD, 941-473-7399, Leslie Brown PA
Local Realty Services Provided By: Keller Williams Island Life Real Estate
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2 Beds
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THIS IS WHERE IT IS ALL HAPPENING! Here in this luxurious condo in Bella Costa where living is stress-free with your cable, internet, trash, and water ALL INCLUDED!! You only have to pay for electricity. You are within strolling distance from downtown Venice and all the farmer’s markets, arts & crafts shows and events you could want! Ready to live the Florida lifestyle? You’re just a couple miles from Venice Beach so get ready for morning yoga on the beach and for hunting for shark’s teeth. And if you don’t want to bother leaving the community, simply sit by the water and watch the Lighted Christmas Boat Parade go by!

Your new paradise has been completely renovated with the finest details from the porcelain tile flooring to the crown molding throughout the unit! The spacious great room makes it easy to entertain as natural light enters the home from the sliding glass doors. Gather your friends and family to watch the big game or play a game of cards. Sit down for a family meal in the dining area with enough room for large table. Looking for something more casual? Serve snacks at your lavish breakfast bar in the kitchen.

And speaking of this chic kitchen, the chef in the family will absolutely love the soft-close dove tail drawers, stainless steel appliances and ample cabinetry to store all your gadgets and keep your quartz counters clutter free! The stylish one in the family will love the subway tile and sleek color palate!

This two bedroom unit features dual master suites, each with a walk-in closet and a gorgeous tile shower! The main bedroom also includes your washer and dryer conveniently located in your closet so you can literally change and throw your clothes in the wash in one spot. Your favorite place in your condo though will be the air-conditioned balcony that is an extension of the great room! Sit and drink your favorite beverage as you look out on the canal and harbor while congratulating yourself on all your hard work paying off.

No need to worry about being on the second floor, your building has an ELEVATOR that opens up right near your unit! Pack your swimsuits and flip flops as Bella Costa includes a community pool, clubhouse and fitness center. Enjoy numerous outdoor seating areas including a waterfront fire pit! Located on Venice Island with a wide variety of boutiques and restaurants on W Venice Ave. Explore Venice and numerous beaches including a dog beach, golf courses and more! Lateral lines and stacks in plumbing have already been replaced in this building, so need to worry about displacement for weeks or months while waiting on repairs! Call now to schedule a showing before this opportunity to own your slice of paradise slips away

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326 Days
Central Air, Electric, Central
The Sand Dollar Home Team

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